
SSCI 期刊《国际应用语言学杂志》专题征稿通知

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Call for  Papers


Title:Artificial Intelligence in Multilingual Learning and Teacher Education

今天推出SSCI二区(JIF:1.6)及A&HCI双检索期刊International Journal of Applied Linguistics  专题征稿,欢迎大家积极投稿。

Guest Editors

Professor Janina Brutt-Griffler, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USAAssistant Professor Sumi Kim, Dongguk University, Seoul, South KoreaAssistant Professor Norah Almusharraf, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, KSA

Special issue information:

The presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has significantly altered many fields, workplaces and scholarly inquiry. In language education, English and bilingual learning globally has been enhanced by AI technologies in many ways. AI tools have shown great promise in creating interactive and motivation-enhancing language learning environments, especially where an immediate immersion experience or study abroad is not available to learners. AI technologies have shown increasingly positive impacts in language assessments with their benefits to formative assessments, cost-effectiveness, and more broadly to generating classroom data to facilitate instructional practices. At the same time, the rapid advancements of AI-based technologies have raised concerns with respect to teachers’ preparedness (or their AI ability). There is an increased need for creating synergy between AI technologies, language teaching strategies, and learning outcomes. Amidst the new realities of teaching with AI tools, educators and policymakers have urged us to attend to learners’ socio-emotional learning, increasing engagement, and equal access.This special issue invites original empirical and theoretical contributions to facilitate the learning of languages with AI tools and the preparation of language educators in multilingual contexts in K-12 and higher education. We aim to bring together good exemplars of AI research innovation and designs, AI multilingual classroom practices, and policy to facilitate advancements in AI learning with multilingual learners. We are interested in classroom-based research studies focusing on the integration of AI tools as well as uncovering how teacher educators can be best prepared to use AI and integrate them effectively and ethically. We invite studies that approach AI research through the lens of local and cultural sensitivity to provide evidence-based perspectives for schools and policymakers.We invite research papers that include but are not limited to the following topics:
  • Creating synergy between AI technologies, language teaching strategies, and learning outcomes;
  • Increasing learner engagement and socioemotional learning with AI technologies;
  • Language teachers’ preparedness and professional development in the era of AI;
  • AI literacies and curricula designs for multilingual K-12 students;
  • Exploiting AI for adaptive and personalized language learning and assessment;
  • Bridging formal and informal language learning with AI;
Trends in research design and increased capacities of AI in generating data for evidence-based policy-making in multilingual education.

Proposed Timeline

Proposed abstract submission: August 15th, 2024

Decision on acceptance of abstracts: September 15th, 2024

Opening of submission portal for full manuscripts: September 30th, 2024

Closure of portal for new submission: March 15th, 2025

Tentative date for publication: August 2025

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Proposed abstracts should be submitted to the special issue guest editors for initial consideration. Please send a 500-word (maximum) abstract that describes previously unpublished empirical (not conceptual) work to special issue guest editors Professor Janina Brutt-Griffler, Assistant Professor Sumi Kim, and Assistant Professor Norah Almusharraf. The document should also include each author’s name, email address, affiliation, and a 50-word biographical statement. The e-mail subject line should begin with “InJAL_SIAI:”. If abstracts are accepted, authors will be invited to submit full-length articles for double-blind peer review. It is important to note that abstracts should be based on projects for which data collection and advanced stages have already been completed to ensure timely delivery of the special issue.

If you have any queries, please contact the guest editor at bruttg@buffalo.edu, sumikim@dgu.ac.kr, or nmusharraf@psu.edu.sa.

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